hiding in the air in your home

Spooky Things That Could Be Hiding Within The Air In Your Home

Can you believe that we spend upwards of 80% of our time indoors? Most of us have never thought about the air quality within our own homes, but it is vital to our overall health. Read on to see what harmful particles could be lurking in the air in your home, and how to remove them. 

Building Materials

Many of the contaminants in your air come from the building materials of the home. Dust is an incredibly common contaminant which seems harmless, but can take a toll on your health, especially if you suffer from allergies or respiratory conditions. Additionally, asbestos, gasses such as formaldehyde, and other contaminants can enter your air from building materials and hinder your health inside your own home. 

Damp Areas

If there are any damp areas or condensate pans in your home, there are many more contaminants that can exist. You could be sharing your air with microbial contaminants, fungi, molds, and other bacteria. 

Combustion Agents

Combustion agents are elements released by the burning of fuels such as gas, oil, wood, etc. Carbon monoxide and Nitrogen dioxide are two of the more concerning agents that could be contaminating your home. Make sure your home is well-ventilated and equipped with the proper detection tools to limit any exposure to these gases. 

Furry Friends

Having pets can lead to lower quality of air within your home as well. Pets will inevitably shed dander in your home, which is tiny pieces of skin that are released along with their hair. Dander can settle into items around your home, such as furniture and carpet, as well as float around in the air. Dander is incredibly light and can remain in the air for long periods of time, possibly leading to respiratory issues and allergic reactions. 

Building Occupants

The people in your home can also cause body odors, perfume, tobacco smoke, and carbon dioxide to contaminate the air. But how do you know if it’s an issue? There’s a series of symptoms to keep an eye out for. It’s common to experience any of the following…

  • Headaches
  • Dryness of the eyes, nose, or throat
  • Sinus congestion
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hypersensitivity and allergies
  • Nausea


This is by no means a complete list of symptoms, but it is clear the impact that contaminated air can have on your health. 

How to Clean the Air In Your Home

Luckily, there are a variety of solutions to improving your indoor air quality. Systems such as air purifiers and filters can trap up to 95% of particles in the air. Swinson Air Conditioning has you covered for all your indoor air quality needs. We proudly serve communities on the Eastern Shore including Loxley, Fairhope, Daphne, Spanish Fort, and the surrounding areas.

Contact Us

To learn more about our company or the services we offer, visit our website at https://swinsonac.com/. Feel free to call us at (251) 990-0998 with any questions or to schedule an appointment. Swinson Air Conditioning is proudly a Carrier Authorized Dealer.  air in your home air in your home air in your home air in your home