Tips for Taking Care of Your Home This Summer

Tips for Taking Care of Your Home This Summer

As the weather gets warmer outside, now is a great time now to start taking care of your home. In order to prepare your home inside and out for the warmer months and address any issues from the spring, follow these guidelines to get your home prepared!

Beautify your Lawn

The summer time is perfect to beautify your lawn. There’ll be no shortage of sun to keep your flowers and grass healthy for these next couple months, so your lawn can be the envy of all your neighbors. Consider buying new pots, planting new flowers, and maybe even starting a small vegetable garden depending on the size of your lawn. You can also add light fixtures, spruce up outdoor furniture and tidy up your porch area to have a gorgeous lawn by the time summer officially starts.

Inspect Your Roof

Summer storms can have a larger impact on your roof than you might think, even if there’s no clear external damage. Heavy rainfall from spring could also still be affecting your roof and may lead to leaking in the future if not properly taken care of. Roofs with water damage can have dark streaks on them, which is caused by algae and mold seeping through. If your home has been through lots of storms or heavy rain in the last few months or this summer, be sure to have it checked out and repaired by a licensed professional.

Clean and Replace Filters

Filters for your air conditioning system have probably gathered up a lot of dirt, pollen, and other allergens since the spring. You’ll want your cooling system to be in excellent condition before the real Alabama heat starts, and changing your filter(s) is essential to making sure your system runs smoothly and efficiently. Did you know that if your filter gets too clogged, it can shut down your system entirely to prevent further damage? Before the heat hits hard, change those filters!

Power Wash Driveway and Sidewalks

A great way to take care of your home is to make it look appealing from the outside by finally cleaning off all the grub that’s been accumulating on your sidewalk, driveway, and patio the whole year. Check for cracks in your wood and make sure to close all windows and doors before blasting the exterior of your home with water! If you don’t have a pressure washer at home to give your home a clean look, you can rent one from a local hardware store, use a hose on high pressure, or hire a professional.

Wash Windows

Windows are often neglected when it comes to spring cleaning, although we look through them every day. Clean off grime and dirt from the edges or your windows, and take off screens to give them a thorough wipe-down. You should avoid power washing windows, since they are much more fragile than your sidewalk and porch and could easily break. Instead, use a soft towel and ammonia-free cleaning solution to get stuck on grime off your windows.

Wipe and Clean Baseboards

Baseboards can be easily forgotten in the cleaning process, since they’re not directly on the floors that likely get cleaned pretty regularly. They can accumulate a lot of dust, however, from being ignored and being close to a surface where dust can settle easily. Be sure to wash baseboards monthly with the proper cleaning supplies.

Air Purification

Summer is a great time to have an air purification system installed. While you might not think about allergens or viruses being at their peak in the summer, that’s just not true. Plus, we also drag tons of dirt and grass particles from the outside into our homes in the summer, AND our pets are shedding more than usual. To cut down on any of these allergens and airborne contaminants from flowing throughout your home, hindering your air quality, contact us for an air purification system. These systems can eliminate up to 99.9% of contaminants from the air and surfaces of your home, and they seamlessly install inside your existing ductwork. 

Contact Us

Swinson Air Conditioning specializes in air conditioning services and air purification services to provide your family with the most comfortable and healthy air inside your home. Swinson Air Conditioning is your independently owned American Standard Heating & Air Conditioning Customer Care Dealer in Eastern Alabama. Call us at (251) 964-9009 for more information.