keep your new year's resolution

4 Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

January is the perfect time for a fresh start on your goals and to make new ones! However, it’s very easy to give up on your resolutions as we get further and further into the new year. To help you stay on track toward achieving your New Year’s resolution, we’ve come up with 4 tips to help you stay on track easily and effectively. 

Choose An Achievable & Specific Resolution

Many people end up giving up on their resolutions because the goal is simply too difficult or too broad. Many often have the goal that they want to “save more” or “lose weight” or “be happier” in the new year, however these are unspecific, and won’t hold you accountable to certain measurable actions. That’s why we suggest choosing smaller, more specific resolutions, that will either ultimately lead to a bigger goal, or just be realistically doable. 

For example, if your goal is to be a more positive person this year, set yourself up for success by creating resolutions like practicing mindfulness at least once a day, reaching out to friends and family at least once a week, or writing in a gratitude journal daily. If your goal is to lose weight, make your resolution to get in 10,000 steps a day, or give yourself a specific number like losing 30 pounds in 6 months. Don’t overwhelm yourself with your resolution, or you’re more likely to drop it quickly.

Celebrate Milestones in Your Goals

Another common reason many people end up giving up on their goals as the year goes on is because they feel no sense of immediate gratification for the work they’re putting into their resolution. Whatever you decide to improve upon in your life this year, be sure to celebrate the progress that you do make each month, as an incentive to continue, and to feel generally good about the change you are making! 

You can create a reward system for every step you take toward your goal. While this might also mean adding in smaller objectives toward a bigger goal, this can only HELP you, not hurt you! Creating little deadlines with doable tasks is motivating and gets you excited about your resolutions, instead of intimidated. Being able to look back on a specific plan of action and acknowledge your successes is vital in staying motivated. 

Be Flexible to Changes!

It’s hard to predict how your priorities are going to shift based on things that happen in your life, both planned and unplanned! Don’t beat yourself up if the goals you set out for yourself in January don’t look the same as your goals a few months into the year. This doesn’t mean you need to completely give up on your resolutions, but it is possible to readjust them to ensure you’ll be successful with the normal changes of life. Whether this means changing your resolutions to something you can achieve earlier in the year, or making it a long-term habit, being realistic with what you can accomplish is the only way you’ll succeed and enjoy the process too!

Set Yourself Up for Success

Research shows that a clean space helps your productivity and focus, so make sure your air quality and air conditioning systems in your home are in top shape this year! Breathing easy and feeling comfortable go a long way in helping you be successful, so make sure your home is properly heated and cooled throughout the changing seasons. For HVAC repairs, installations or maintenance, call Swinson Air Conditioning at 251-964-9009.

Contact Us

Swinson Air Conditioning is your local HVAC dealer in Loxley, Fairhope, and the Eastern Shore of Baldwin County. We’ve provided trustworthy HVAC repair, tune-ups, and installation services for over 35 years! Our American Standard HVAC systems are some of the most efficient and most effective systems on the market!

For any further questions about your HVAC system, visit our website at or email us at [email protected] Swinson Air Conditioning is your local HVAC service provider in Fairhope and Daphne, Alabama.  new year’s resolution new year’s resolution new year’s resolution new year’s resolution new year’s resolution new year’s resolution