Get Humidity Control With A High Efficiency System From Swinson AC

Need a way to control humidity in your home? Swinson offers high efficiency systems to keep your home comfortable inside, no matter the weather outside.
4 Tips to Lower Your Electricity Bill

If you’re looking or cost-cutting tips to help you lower you electricity bill each month, you’ve come to the right place. Read this post!
Guide to Controlling Your Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can save you money every month on your electricity bill. Follow these guidelines for controlling your new thermostat.
Preventative Maintenance Is A Must

Keep your HVAC system running properly and efficiently all year long with a regularly scheduled maintenance plan, and avoid problems instead of fixing them.
Breathe Easy with an Air Purification System from Swinson AC

Spring signifies it’s time to start cleaning your home. Spring cleaning is important to ensure your breathing clean air and Swinson AC can help with that! Read more to learn.
Spring Cleaning: Keeping Allergens Out of Your Home This Spring

Spring signifies it’s time to start cleaning your home. Spring cleaning is important to ensure your breathing clean air and Swinson AC can help with that! Read more to learn.
Controlling Allergies & Asthma With Indoor Air Quality Solutions in The Eastern Shore, AL

Cleaning your comfort system is an important step in ensuring the overall efficiency of the system as well as the cleanliness of the air inside your home.
Cleaning Your Air Conditioning System

Cleaning your comfort system is an important step in ensuring the overall efficiency of the system as well as the cleanliness of the air inside your home.
Negative Effects of Humidity On Your Home

In the past 10 weeks I have visited two or three homes each week to inspect several negative effects of humidity including: mildew around the ceiling registers,
staining of drywall around ceiling registers, warping of hardwood flooring, musty odors inside the home, reports of high humidity readings on wall thermostats or hygrometers. The reason this involves an air conditioning contractor is that air conditioning is the cause.
Having Your Heating System Checked

One of the most important things you can do to prepare for winter is to ensure your home’s furnace is operational, safe, and as energy-efficient as possible. The last thing you want in the middle of the night is to discover your furnace has broken down.