Maintenance Plans

HVAC Maintenance Plans for Alabama's Eastern Shore

Swinson AC Maintenance Plan members enjoy two maintenance visits per year, and can rest easy knowing their system is performing at maximum efficiency.

Regular comprehensive maintenance of your heating and cooling equipment allows for higher running efficiency and extends the life of your system.

Become a Swinson AC Maintenance Plan member and receive great member benefits, described below. Swinson AC Maintenance plans are the best on the Eastern Shore!

If you need assistance with knowing type of system type and accessories you may have, call us at 251-964-9009 and we will be happy to assist you.

*Please note: two visits per year of our “Select Benefits” plan would be $186 for one system*

Swinson Air Maintenance Plan Option



Per year. $76.00 per additional system



Per year. $212.00 per additional system



Per year. $325.00 per additional system



Per year. $450.00 per additional system

**Evaporator and condenser coil cleaning is cleaned without removing from the system. Removing coils from the system is a standalone service and will be quoted at the current rates.

Our thorough maintenance visit checkpoints
  • Filter inspection
  • Inside coil inspection (clean at discounted rate if necessary)
  • Inspect primary & secondary drains
  • Inspect blower components-clean and/ or adjust as necessary
  • Lubricate all moving parts (where applicable)
  • Inspect and tighten all loose electrical connections
  • Monitor air conditioner operating pressures for proper refrigerant charge
  • Monitor voltage and average draw on all motors and heaters
  • Monitor air condition and heating cycles
  • Inspect heat exchanger and burners-vacuum and/ or adjust as necessary
  • Adjust gas pressure as necessary
  • Inspect pilot operation and adjust as necessary
  • Monitor flue draft for safe operation
  • Inspect and test safety operation
  • Adjust air flow for proper temperature rise and fall
  • Inspect thermostat operations
  • And much more!

Fill out the form below to become a Maintenance Plan Member or to Schedule A Maintenance Appointment!
