reduce strain on your air conditioner

5 Ways to Reduce Strain On Your Air Conditioner

It’s starting to get warm along Alabama’s Eastern Shore, which means you might be thinking about soaring energy costs associated with spring and summer. Don’t worry! We’ve got the best tips and tricks to reduce strain on your air conditioner and maximize energy savings for the upcoming months and years to come.

Check Insulation & Ductwork

If your home isn’t properly insulated, cool air will escape, leaving your system working harder to cool down your home. Don’t waste energy! Ensure there is proper insulation throughout your home, and check seals on windows and doors as well. If needed, use caulk for windows and doors or replace them completely. 

Ductwork is another area where you could be losing energy. If ducts are cracked, poorly sealed, or dirty, your system will have to work harder to condition the air in your home. Have a professional clean your ductwork to ensure you’re getting the most out of your money with a longer lasting system.

Reduce Heat Gain

Closing blinds and curtains, cleaning and opening air vents, and keeping entry doors and windows shut all contribute to reducing heat inside your home. You can also try using heat-generating appliances (the stove, microwave, oven, dishwasher, or dryer) at night when temperatures are lower. Your system won’t have to work nearly as hard to cool your home back down.

Clean or Replace Air Filters Often

Filters should be changed every 1-3 months depending on your specific household situation. If you have pets, live with allergy sufferers, or if your climate is highly humid, change your filters every month. This will ensure your system is running smoothly and at maximum efficiency at all times. You’ll save money, be more comfortable, and create a cleaner environment in your home.

Invest In A Programmable Thermostat

If you’re not home during the day, who are you keeping cool inside the house? With most families being away from their homes for 6-9 hours a day, there’s great opportunity to minimize strain on your air conditioner. With a programmable thermostat, you can schedule temperatures to be lower or higher while you’re away from your home. This way, your air conditioner won’t run strenuously to keep your home cool while you’re not even there.

Get A High Efficiency Air Conditioner

Air conditioners built within the past few years are more energy efficient than ever before. With variable speed technology and inverter-driven compressors, newer systems can keep your home cool at an affordable cost even on the hottest summer days with ease. 

Swinson AC offers top-of-the-line Carrier air conditioners to residents and small businesses of the Loxley, AL and the surrounding areas. We offer in-home estimates and measurements to determine which system will work best for your home, family, and budget. 

Learn More

If you’re interested in HVAC maintenance, a programmable thermostat, or a high efficiency AC system, visit our website at or give us a call at 251-990-0998. Swinson Air Conditioning is a Factory Authorized Carrier Dealer.